Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First post!

Hello there my lovlies! I thought id best create an actual blog, seeing as there are a few people I know with blogs Id like to follow.
This is my first blog, Ive had a diary for some years and this is quite different.
Im not a blogger at heart, so it will be slow going at times, Im sure... but bear with me ;)

My name is Mandy, Im a RN- registered nurse, and have been so for 15 years, having started my degree 20 years ago now.
Im married, am a young empty nester with an adult son that lives interstate who is the light of my life, and a step son and step daughter who are also adult.
As an army wife, I move about the country on a pretty regular basis!

All else will unfold here, you will see ;)

edited with the help of the lovely Bungle :)


  1. haha can I edit this? i wrote fist post tee hee

  2. Welcome to blogland. I don't have a blog, but like following a few others who do. You can always email Rhonda from down to earth about how to edit your blog as she is a storehouse of information & wisdom. My uncle was a career army officer--reached rank of colonel in the US Army before retiring and going on for a 2nd career as Editor of the Retired Officers Magazine. Just recently passed away at age 85 after a full life of service to God, family, country & community. Is interned (cremated) at Arlington National Cemetary with his beloved wife's ashes as well.

  3. Now I'll be able to follow you on Facebook AND here!

  4. Hi Mandy...
    Welcome to Blogland!
    You can edit your blog by going to your 'dashboard' which you can access just by going to and it should come up with your page showing blogs you follow etc...then you should be able to see an 'edit posts' button. when you click on that it lists your posts and you can click on edit next to the one you want to change...change it then save :-)
    Hope that helps!

  5. thanks for my lovely new comments:

    Becca, thats cool. I can see we share a couple of blogs we follow- I was reading blogs long before I made one.
    My hub is a career military member- his career is a mixed bag, hes been an officer for the last 16 years and is a major these days.

    Bungle, thanks, I found it no probs :)

    JC, who are you in facebook land? and do you have entries? I cant seem to see any
